Sunday, June 13, 2010

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Fontesanta Trail TA

Very often I hear about now in Tuscany Trail races but often these are fictitious names, data, perhaps to give himself a touch of originality, or perhaps because the designers really consider them trail.

Well this is a "problem" Tuscan I never identified in other regions and often causes confusion as the story in another post.

But this time I mean? Fontesanta is truly a Trail and dare I say a nice trail.
This is a short path but quite technical, the kind that will leave a mark if you are not accustomed to run in certain circles

I finally heard from those who run it: this is a really tough race and challenging! ! I'm glad

especially Gianforc who believed in this project and that, frankly, left me open-mouthed (positively speaking of course).

At first I was very hesitant because obviously the target audience was made up of many Stradaioli (or tourer if you prefer), but there were also cheerful fellow Brigade Trail and especially at the beginning, for the first 2 miles, I was attacked the discomfort due to the fact that we were crossing a street.

inside me said, that rascal of Gianforc I had ensured that there was not even one meter of asphalt instead of asphalt and gravel roads look here. We hope not to regret the TA of the Sibillini Mountains, which I lost.

But the surprise came after only 2 km: PATH, climbs and descents * __ *

to dress all the fabulous views towards the plain, towards Florence, but so far away so close!

refreshments were also well placed and the final refreshment was worthy of praise.

A race that was born well and I hope that next year and years to come become a classic.

As mentioned I'd like to see it from a month before and maybe at night: what then would be a real test for those who would do the villain

it is interesting as an idea

Trail Fontesanta

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

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Ancora non posso credere a quanto è avvenuto questo week end sui nostri bellissimi monti. La Toscana, una terra così varia, dove in poche decine di km puoi passare dalle vette appenniniche fino alle distese del mare passando per le colline del chianti e per le Alpi Apuane, si sta forse svegliando.

Ed era l'ora perchè, scusate se mi permetto, ma sinceramente avere una Ferrari sotto al culo e guidarla come un vecchietto è una cosa che fa male, molto male, specialmente per chi, come me ama la sua terra a 360°. Perchè alla fin fine questo è il "problema", il fatto che in Toscana si vive la realtà della race, this wonderful sport, only to street level, on the bituminous surface, and even happy to cross busy streets and more without even the slightest thought to what lies a few miles from there.

In recent years, however, things are changing and there is a beautiful birth (and rebirth) made racing more or less demanding but fascinating as the trail of the Casentino, shy TA facing as the Trail of winter and the Pinone Vicchio, then move on to something much more significant as the Elbe trail in such a short time has already become an important stage in the Tuscan landscape and beyond.


Ed ora eccoci qui, a parlare di qualcosa che solo 6 mesi fa era un pensiero nella mia mente quasi irraggiungibile, un percorso che per tanti anni ho sentito narrare come fantastico dai camminatori storici del CAi di Prato. E se dalla loro malsana testa è uscita una manifestazione come il Da Piazza a Piazza perchè non seguire la loro folle idea e provare ad organizzare qualcosa che vada oltre.. al di là del pensiero steradaiolo toscano?

Un progetto ambizioso sicuramente che idealmente attraversa e supera i confini geografici dettati dalla "politica moderna". Due provincie, dodici Comuni, due Regioni sui 70 km di questo vario, affascinante e duro percorso tipico dell'appennino Tosco-Emiliano.

These two days of riding the Apennines were fantastic for an infinite number of reasons.

- First of all the wonderful company and the joy brought with him. In these two days I was able to reunite old friends and meet new great people from Tuscany and beyond. Above the latter is my greatest gratitude because they have shown that for the love of the mountains and for the pleasure of discovering new places you can cross boundaries, although not visible, are often a strong.

- Second of then those who have helped us in this idea by providing tools and resources without asking anything in return (other instead they did it at great cost but it will obviously be given ^ _ ^)

- the location and the views seen. Boys can not even imagine what a thrill for me to show everyone who participated in the Apennines places so dear to me.

I'm for the photos, the location, the unevenness and even now I feel inside me relive those moments!

duties at this point an account of the manifestation of this TA.

Departure from Prato in PERFECT DELAY cuocente under a sun that did not leave any truce. The initial frame (Galceti) is a wonderful place to begin this "outing" that after about 1 km of the plains gives way to the first climb that will take us to the mausoleum of Malaparte.

The following descent, perfectly corribile and covered by trees, it certainly helps to recover for the second, charming and tough climb in the sun (Mount Javello). We are the first 10 km but it is stated clearly in the faces of participants who did not expect to find a path so hard since the early miles.

but the heat from this point on, will be a bit 'toned down because our race is transformed into a beautiful ride with lots of ups and downs are fully immersed in the woods. Here comes the ascent of Straccalasino (the name says it all) and here you leave the path n ° 10 and take the No. 13.

corribile brief descent and a pleasure on huge leaves which absorb the ride takes us back to the farm of Spedaletto where we find water and a fabulous restaurant that regenerates us great.

What follows is a ride continues through the woods along the path of "00" GEA that in just over two hours brings us to the Hill of Pistoia, where the bar we had to stop and hear the stories of war (HOLLGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), stand in the 8 Robychao to remove an animal that was on the leg and enjoy a drink with friends.

But time goes on, and someone must be Pracchia in time to take the train and go home so, in quick succession, shooting the "00" and continue to the junction of the path that will bring down Pracchia point stop on this first day.

Many stretches of single track, some more space and a few kilometers of asphalt (the track I count around 4.5 km.) The evening dinner and overnight were in my opinion, but not only in my opinion, very well organized by the locals who have taken care facilities made available at prices very valid and interesting dinner.

The next morning we are again ready to cross the small bridge of Pracchia and start the second part, the shorter but also more impegnativa che ci porterà all'Abetone.

Qui di corsa se ne può fare veramente poca nei primi km perchè il sentiero parte in salita e non mollerà mai, se non per brevi tratti fino al montanaro. Lungo la strada si trovano vari incroci del CAI ma il sentiero da seguire è sempre il n° 33 seguito poi dal n°3

Breve sosta al Montanaro per rifornirsi di acqua e poi, veloci verso il portafranca. Lungo il percorso si attraversa il Poggio che da il nome alla manifestazione che, idealmente, rappresenta il punto di rottura tra l'ambiente fino ad allora incontrato (sottobosco) con quanto si apre alla vista e al cuore.

Da qui iniziano una serie corribili of ups and downs and stretches of single track sections by awesome beauty of high altitude and Pratoni immense. Pass the gate, the climb to strofinatoio, Lake Scaffaiolo, the Cross Arcana, Cima Tauffi and Open Book are points of a splendor that give me all the strength you need.

The weather has clearly decided to attend the event from becoming destructive of the sun on Saturday in an unexpected rain with thunder and lightning on the ridge. And finally here we are, on top of the book Open from where he began the long descent that will take us to the showers at Abetone and regenerative properties. Even the sky has suddenly reopened ^ __ ^

a unique experience E INDIMENTICABILE PER ME fatta in compagnia di tantissimi amici

un doveroso ringraziamento quindi a:
- Rolando Galli che ci ha aiutati nella logistica all'Abetone, nell'allertare i soccorsi in caso di necessità e ci ha messo a disposizione un pulmino per gli spostamenti

- il SAST di Pistoia nella figura di Simone Argentieri che ci ha armato il sentiero lungo la Frana a Pracchia (efficienti come sempre)

- il Ristorante Melini di Pracchia che con cortesia ci ha aperto il punto tappa GEA e ci ha fatto mangiare una cena che per 20 euro credo si sognerebbero in tanti

- Fausto Rosadi della UISP di Prato che ci ha dedicato il suo tempo per il trasporto borse

GRAZIE A CLOUD, ROBYCHAO, Massignani, SILVIA who came from afar to keep us company. Your presence to me was the greatest thanks that I could receive!

THANK MAXRUSSO that, despite what may seem, I was strongly motivated to help achieve all this in anticipation of something even more grade

thanks to Antonio, which besides being a very good friend has allowed us to discover that the path can be easily extended (bhauhauahua)

THANK BEPPEGM who attended the event in a particular way and joining us in the second stage. You are a true athlete Beppe, one of those with a capital "and that truly love the mountains. Never miss your wonderful gift this.

THANKS TO BOLOGNA (Ruperzio, Marco, Mauro Graz) who have already pre-enrolled for next year. You were really kind enough to participate I assure

ZANARDI Thanks to Marina, GIANFORC, Marco Vannucci that kept us company during the first stage by adding value to the event

THANK MARCO7C, IL_MAGO, FEDERICO CASTAGNOLI with passion that animated the second day and helped us to come home and finally a

Malandrino thanks to us that we are committed, each in their own ability to achieve all this

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and finally wanted to make a Thanksgiving ALL, EQUALLY TO ALL the money collected for the Solidarity Project. We have collected 155 euro which will be donated to Dynamo Camp in the next few days (of course I'll put online soon)