Friday, February 25, 2011

Tevion Simcard Reader Drivers

Good question ...
Why is narrow because it's just blackmail.
Towards women dependent on men, to people who depend on insane, that depend on violence toward children, toward art that must always have a price, to those who see only their hands to consider arms.
to myself, by myself.
Because as far as we split the ass is always violent usurper or what he pretends not to see what he thinks he knows how to do and what you puts the white dress of the victim just to get something.
Because I made a bunch so there are not more to do with power, because they are peaceful when I'm away and it breaks the heart and stomach when I see him at work, or when it approaches me.
I hate it when you put barriers to freedom of love and when the duty to indicate as sin be free, when using the means of coercion, when ejaculates envy and arrogance, indifference and cunning.
When using others as means to provide a little 'faux-heat, and when it prevents anyone with access to the real thing, the warmth that you deserve.
I hate to when and how much I despise him and filled with sadness that I get, recalling what made me lose, everything that made me lose.
was once as I could see the anger and feelings can grind meat is in large scale, is actually more private.
Now is melancholy and sadness every time I see this violence stop someone from being truly himself.
I know there are other avenues and feel, their smell.

"- You are one destined to never be happy?
- I do not know what the fuck you know me, but I know when I'm happy!"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Tahitian Las Vegas

shakes ...

While I would refer ai fili che conducono ancora elettricità riscopri un invito a guardare dentro, è pericoloso, perciò: fallo.

Egregio sconosciuto le scrivo per farle notare che non potrà più calpestarmi i piedi la prossima volta che mi toccherà stingerle la mano.

Chi è più feroce tra l'aguzzino che ti procura le stigmate o l'avventore che deve sempre infilarci il naso?

Se lei non fosse esistita avrei dovuto inventarla, ma lei c'è...quindi con la concretezza ora posso fare pace.

Per la tastiera uso appena appena 4 dita, le altre pensano.

Ops...ho appena scoperto di non avere più freddo proprio ora che finalmente mi sono deciso a  girare nudo

Per i soldi basterebbe un lavoro appena decente, per la gloria bastano certi maschi e i giochi a cui non partecipo mai, il resto lo faccio per amore.

Se mi inchino a baciarti i piedi è solo per pure faith in your sensuality.

Not only am rearranging my garden but I also piss in it ... the smell will keep the "good" hierarchy of understanding.

empathy, but the "three for two" do not do that sorry.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Antique Whale Knife J. Marttiini , Finland



Friday, February 18, 2011

Lotrimin Cream On Face Seborrheic Dermatitis

I do not care or rather I do not care ... Now

So while floating on the railway platform, his stomach turned over and crushed the diaphragm, I do not ask anything more.
I no longer have to ask myself some questions. I do not have idiots around.
The journey of my boots to the number nine car is quiet.
I do not care that much to miss the train. I do not give anything.
I do not give a shit.
This quiet, never seen in my part, contains the dolore della separazione, lo contiene ma non lo stempera affatto, ne' mai lo imprigiona. 
Nulla e nessuno si potrà mai più permettere di farlo. 
Le sue spalle nude hanno questo diritto.

Sono entrati anni fa in casa mia. 
Avevo l'illusione che le porte si potessero lasciare aperte. Si sono presi tutto e, uno ad uno, poi sono andati via. 
Non mi interessa. 
Ho le porte ancora spalancate e nessun oggetto da potersi considerare proprio. 
ruberete Whether you now?
not what I'm going to give.
Some things are only for those who enter them breaking mirrors, for those who can step on the porcelain useless in the past.
And I take coffee with the guest waited for a lifetime.

Dressed in black I am standing in contrast against a white wall. Shadows of a thousand colors condense, evaporate, then return liquid. His fingers hot tattoo on my body. The meat has begun to rend and the skin sweats blood again.
My feeling, serenely, secretes semen and menstrual blood.
quartered and happy, healthy and devastated, I kiss my love.
including FICA and fuck.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Where To Get Shiny Rayquaza In Pokemon Emerald

Why no grammar or rule pollutes more than the senses.
Now that it's always day, which is always wave .... which is very sea, I do not need. I desire and calmly striped skin, sores in loving. Now pain is not an omen, but a dense attitude. And you walk, you smell, you smell, you drink and you eat me up like no one could do, with the consent of the night. Take possiedimi and finally, is the day! Do not forget of course our love you, love you.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Does Purell Kill Herpes Simplex

the words of others ... and a postscript

1. So the car is always a time of oppression against those who need it. Italo Calvino

2. It was much more delicate and tender than previously believed. It was made of quell'impalpabile substance that is commonly called illusion or fairy tale: even if true. Gallop, fly, gallop, a survivor fantasy. Eager to exterminate them, the civilized world pursues you in hot pursuit, never again will give you peace. Dino Buzzati

3. who refuses to masturbate the dream to reality. Ennio Flaiano.

4. But I am a man who prefers to lose rather than win unfair and cruel ways. Gross negligence on my part, I know! And the best part is that I have the nerve to defend this fault, to consider it almost a virtue ... Pier Paolo Pasolini

5. 's not just the one who ignores the rules and the pack as long as you beat. Paul Volponi

6. I do not hate any person, but there are men that I have only needed to see from a distance. Ugo Foscolo

7. There are few men who can go to death with dignity, and often not the ones you'd expect. Primo Levi

8. You pop the door in a red dress to tell me that you're consuming fire and again. Giuseppe Ungaretti

9. And then suddenly broke the love everywhere. Fabrizio De André

10. The roads are open and the moment is forever. Francesco Guccini

I will attend the celebration of your cynicism, while the embalmed and placed on a throne or on a cross, are always so relentlessly committed not to deny the dream of tonight. Listener

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Recipes To Use With Giant Cupcake Pan

Yesterday, today and tomorrow ....

In questo blog spesso considerato scabroso e depravato...sembrerà strano questo post e i suoi contenuti. Spero di essere "scusato".
Come ora, mai. Come ora sento il bisogno di riconciliarmi con il mio privato. Con una spinta verso il futuro che mi scalda dentro, riapro le scatole dimenticate. Sollevando i coperchi avverto il vento tiepido soffiare da fotografie e oggetti, avverto la lentezza, la densità. 
Ora ho tempo e voglia di farmi perdonare di quella che si chiama riconciliazione personale e di ricominciare con uno zaino stracolmo e leggero, last light finally packed. I have no horizon economic certainties. The objective will be hard to regain stability, but the inner one hour and pressed on that, and inviolable value, I want new gardens and new plants.
This does not buy, not sell you do not have, you hear!
I the rest will be ... (yeah)
not change, only to return even more to myself and to my life. Improve it? This is not the question, is not what interests me. I just want to breathe.

... thanks to you.

Pictures of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

1993 Argentina Buenos Aires La Boca

Iguazu waterfalls 1993



Listener on board


Listener 1972