Sunday, February 28, 2010

Red Pimples After Brazillian Wax


Pietraporciana 2010

Map your trip with EveryTrail

una bella manifestazione nelle terre della val d'Orcia. Bellissimi i panorami e piacevolissima la compagnia con una sosta a pranzo not bad (good Pici * _ *)

on race do not have much to say because I honestly was sold as a race trail but in reality it is more properly a race in nature (it is already 'FOR THAT DESERVES TO BE MADE ) with a little asphalt and climb limited. Moreover, the organization is the same one that carries on the ecomezza of Val d'Orcia, so it was quite predictable that it was a journey like that. This is not to be absolutely a warning to them also because of the owners were FANTASTIC and I thank them for all they have done, but precisely because they are in those areas must collide with the reality, alas, made almost entirely of Siena Stradaioli. Yes must compromise sometimes = _ =

Bella Sunday, however, and ultimately a great way to bring the runners Stradaioli for running off the road ^ _ ^


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