Sunday, March 28, 2010

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MT Pinone

this Sunday we went for a stroll on the Pinon.
A beautiful sunny out in the company of very good friends. With me was Mark (who is training to defend second place we held last year at TAW), the Gaggio (dare I say it in a form dopata) and Federico (a certainty on the way).

get started with a premise that has cost me a question, albeit in a pleasant tone kept to a minimum, on another forum. This, in my opinion was not a trail but a pleasant ride in nature. Just the difference of these terms has opened a brief discussion that allowed me to write and express an idea more clear on the difference between the two.

Let's say, just to understand the nature of the race seen as the perfect cross between a trail and a road race. It is those roads, but always with limited vehicular traffic, although whether asfalto e con svariate presenza urbane lungo il percorso, che portano un buon impegno fisico e muscolare (un po' di pendenza insomma) che sono "lontane" dai centri urbani ma che sono completamente immerse nel verde. Sinceramente qualcuno storgerà il naso ma che ci posso fare? può leggere un altro blog più senziente del mio ^_^

Il giro del Pinone è questo tipo di via di mezzo, sicuramente ben più vestito di un'impronta Trail rispetto a corse come l'Eco di vald'Orcia ma comunque legata ad un'impronta molto urbanizzata e con strade (talvolta asfaltate o cementate) dove è facile trovarsi automobili o altri mezzi a motore.

intendiamoci, il giro l'ho proposto io quindi di stradaiolo aveva poco e nulla and landscapes that you could see were such as to overcome any lack, but it would be incorrect and exaggerated to call it trail.

The departure from the old town of Carmignano and ladders that is on grass, they brought in the top of the castle were a great start. And the view from the bridge of the castle was not bad.

Some stretches of asphalt and a steep descent on a dirt road then led us to attack the long, hard climb that leads to Pietramarina (the summit of Pinone)

a beam in asphalt, with panoramic views over olive groves and the plain Empoli We then took the intersection with the restaurant "Il Pinone" which began the descent, this absolutely TRAIL, to a nice group of houses in the countryside.

that peace and tranquility you could breathe in these hamlets and the warm sun that sent often veiled by the clouds ...

Another climb that skirts a lake, a shift in field-grown and then the last stretch with asphalt to reach the point of departure.

really nice ride, a great way to bring the trail Stradaioli to make the transition without trauma. Bella Bella is still beautiful ^___^

MT Pinone

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

How To Marry In Mount And Blade

Ring of Sant'Agata (hiking) Trail

out to this beautiful Saturday in the company of old friends (the Group Come On) and new aggregates (Adeile and Joseph)

As most of you know by now I love running in the mountains but this does not mean that it is not primarily a Walker fan of new destinations and views mountain.

And I assure you that today and there were many views.

That fact is a ring from Sant'Agata winds uphill to the Burnt Tavern and then, crossing the ridge (GEA) comes to the pass of the beam. From here you can close the ride down the trail No. 42 in Sant'Agata.

Well I assure you that no matter how hard the journey was certainly not disdain to descend directly with 42 ^ _ ^

among other I ring this path is a path to travel and I assure you that in both cases subject to the great satisfaction but also a tremendous physical effort. The rest of 1600 meters of altitude in 27 km is not a joke.

But from the beginning.
Leave the country back on asphalt in the direction of Galliano and take immediately after a small bridge, a detour to the right (signposted CAI) for a while 'winds up on bitumen. But it does not last that much because that part of the 1.5 km road that soon becomes a path.

much mud as well as sun, wind, heat, cold and rain were our companions (the series was missing only the snow) but the whole crew behaved WELL.

As you climb, however, care should be taken to a deviation that you meet along the trail where the signs CAI is divided in two. On the one hand pointing to the left (there is also an attached two-way sign with the word FI-BO) and the other the path continues to climb.
As is well known that the ascent is from Sant'Agata Burnt Tavern is a part of the Way of the Gods who would join Bologna to Florence and then instinctively you take the left path. Forget it and go straight. If not you like me to be an expert guide who forced the parties to a location outside hi hi hi hi

The CAI of Florence does not seem very up to date on the part of the paths : P

The climb continues through, however, even old nuclei abitatitivi certainly used in transhumance and then comes the step of the tavern burned. Pleasant views especially from the side of Mugello with the dam that never fails to appear on the horizon. A short stop with group photos and then take the "00" Yoke direction.

Who now expects to be in the ridge and cross the ridge without difficulty if you forget: It 's constant ups and downs PENDING WITH extreme treatment. And the participants are well aware that this Saturday will definitely pulled a lot 'of Madonna signed (obviously to avoid pulling went on to hear solo)

along this route you should still try to keep the ridge because the road they meet a couple of deviations to the right, which reports directly to the valley.

A brief stop for refreshment at the yoke and then head downhill on a paved road very simple and designed to alleviate the hardships suffered so far.

At the end turn has been difficult and challenging but certainly an excellent test case in view of the DPAPI. The only flaw, which unfortunately get worse in prossmi months, is the presence along the route of shrubs and bushes, of course, the CAI of Florence is not to remove: (

bad because I assure you that this is a great way to do Way but equally beautiful and demanding to do in the race. I have been there two years ago in Trail shoes are not enough and some three hours to deal with everything.
In fact, if you want I suggest a further detour (the group has forbidden me to do it because 'They were tired =_=). When you're down to Sant'Agata there are several intersections. Bear right at first (because if you go left you'll see clearly that it would fall on the paved road) while the second intersection you can go left to the forest road (what we have done and identified as No. 42) or go straight with the road that goes back slowly. For those who wish the Board to make this choice that can address some more ' healthy path (this time halfway) before going down, again through the path towards Sant'Agata.

less asphalt and more drop THAT GOOD SLOGAN ^___^

Ring of Sant 'Agata

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hb-p90d23al-dj Microwave Guide

of Santa Croce - Liguria

Before the race I do talking just a premise. HEART OF
a compliment to the organizers, who took an event "zero year" in a few months and have managed to turn it into a first edition.
The time has certainly not helped but has shown how they have been attentive to the logistics of the race organizers. Recommendations along perfect path despite the adverse weather and the very poor visibility, bold but smart choice to decrease the risk for falls trail (also I have thanked but only because they told me that the third was the rise MORE 'HARD: lol:: lol: ). The
Pregara was not according to some exciting but I still remember that the race was pulled up quietly and very quickly, then went too well;)
The pasta party (worthy of being called such) was based trofie pesto very good and roast meat and was a demonstration of how, with a figure given, we can still organize events of a certain weight!! Even the shower
tried to become the best but not are still the height of the shower the cast (a few words to the wise is true Mau: lol:: lol:).

On the way there but a couple of criticisms I have of course (mica could be all roses)
-boys THANK THE WEATHER IS BAD with refreshments that were otherwise people would have died along the way dehydrated. With a height and distance of the kind that abound in deficit
better-it is true that the track was short, but concrete steps on the hillside were infinite: shock: It 's understandable however since the Ligurian Apennines is practically pure and construction follows the geomorphology of the area. On the other hand the remaining parties, those trails, call the TRAIL. Last drop positivo mi sembrava di essere a fare la salita del Prunaio al DPAP e vi assicuro che è una salita del Belin!

La compagnia poi è stata ottima con i Toscanacci certo ma anche con Emilio e Mogliera e una sacchettata di genovesi con cui ci siamo divertiti tanto. Semmai salutatemi la cameriera della "risacca" che ormai credo mi sogni anche la notte


vi lascio al percorso e alle foto (non capisco perchè ma nella slideshow sono sfalsate di una posizione mentre se le cliccate normalmente si aprono nel punto giusto. Boh)

Trail di Santa Croce

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Poptropica How To Turn In Werewolf

Pracchia-Prato Prato

are in bed now and look at the white ceiling above me. But in reality you are not
my eyes linger on this brick wall but it seems to sweep over
, using the area as a monochrome background on which to project
scenes, images, palpable and real.

I see before me the tracks and the train departs. I look at the clock a bit
'shadowed and muttered incomprehensible words.

But there is a cloud in the sky, the sun is peeping out from the peaks of the mountains and
around me there is a nuanced view, pure white
due to this much snow.

Pracchia are in, my colleague Travel has missed the train and waiting
there is only a cat looking at me with soft eyes looking for a gentle caress from the only human being
met. It can not

uscirmi a slight smile of satisfaction for this moment almost idyllic
where my innermost nature, the contemplative, solitary
that can emerge without the need to hide the eyes of the world. A great sigh

liberating and my hand touches the Garmin "
Timer Started."

the first 2.5 kilometers of asphalt will be uphill, I think to myself, but in reality I lose
bitumen even after 500 meters because the snow begins and with it the first signs

Correre su questo strato ancora basso di neve (10-15 cm) è fattibile ma già
doverosamente impegnativo soprattutto perchè davanti a me non vi è traccia
alcuna di passaggio se non quella di animali in cerca di cibo.

Uno scoiattolo nero mi osserva prima di salire rapidamente su un albero e la
luce comincia a filtrare tra le foglie. Anche il suono dei miei passi è
ovattato dalla neve: una sensazione di piacevole silenzio.

Continuo a salire ma di correre non se ne parla proprio. La neve ha già
raggiunto i 20 cm quando supero una curva e mi trovo uno spettacolo
imponente quanto devastante. Non solo la strada per almeno 150 mt ma anche
il versante della montagna è collapsed downstream opening a tremendous chasm
that leaves little to the imagination on the violence of the movement occurred.

I think at this point 90% of the runners I know would have already returned back
decreeing the release as something to be redone later when
amenities will help to overcome the difficulties. But now who knows me knows
: love in an almost indiscriminate and Spirit Mountain Trail
then well be off the track and learned where his hands dirty with mud.

And so here I am climbing to open a road, it is appropriate to say, the above-landslide
side to reach the ridge and hope it can
around the obstacle. In this pioneering step up I risked my
also to remain standing there all day, but certainly not afraid to fall but
simply a deer less than 2 feet, he looked at me straight in the eye
for almost a minute, and I just pulled the car out
photo has fled with a grace of a typical inhabitant of the mountains.

I stayed motionless for a while ', and almost seemed not to breathe
from what I wanted to stop time and savor the meeting so close

Wow this day started to really great and I could hardly
to feel the fatigue of moving in the snow. But it is
come soon believe me. It took another 500 meters and then passed a
stream, here I am to follow a continuous wall of snow varied between 30 and 60 cm
. And for this 22 km long .... (If 90% of the runners I know
would withdraw from view of the landslide I think I'm here
a large proportion of the remaining 10% ^___^)

that feeling I felt during this stretch?
I can not explain it myself. It was a mixture of tiredness (
is really hard to walk in deep snow for 20 km and passes to you, especially if you open the run),
"desperation" (defined as clear and objective difficulties in going forward
) and joy (for angles wonderful that I showed you)

But in the end happiness only if we add to this the fact that after 13 km
my classmate joined me and then we could
cross paths with the rest of the dividend then
fatigue but also the joys of the path.

And as I was happy to read from his eyes, the admiration for
a path that had never done and that has proved so
varied and enjoyable.

At the "33" salt rising relentlessly until the step of piastreta
to meet the "00".
At this point, the landscape opens up and you always have to stop for a moment to gaze at the valley
drawn from the profiles of the mountains.
And here we are, on the path GEA (Great Apennine Excursion)
through the pass of the hill and then down to acquiputoli.
Break-away lunch and then, rising again to reach the provincial border
, finally at home, where the Masi every year in May it expects
with its banquets. a moment to breathe the air of the place,
pleasure of memory and then again on the march "10" direction
meadows along the path from the square to square up to Saint Lucia.

guys that we feel immense pleasure to feel at home, to feel that
beat your feet on the ground known. You can almost feel the sap of trees
vital that accompanies you during your workout and you'll
can taste better trememndi km passed to breathe fresh snow
praying that sometimes give you a little respite to dissolve 'the

miles and miles of snow, trails, landscapes will always remain etched in my memory
and every so often, I think that looking at this ceiling,
remember with pleasure the emotions that I felt that day.

Pracchia-Prato a path that gives me every time to ride!


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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Can I Add A Motorcycle Clutch To Go Kart

Intervista Corriere Tv

On Corriere TV found a video interview up in Italy and today's youth.


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Vanity Fair Del 10-02-2010

at newsstands are the number of 2/10/2010 of Vanity Fair, where in an interview found in Fabri Fibra.

Scan: # entry377308716

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Articoli Su "In Italia"

We list, below, the main articles about In Italy, the new program hosted by Fiber on MTV every Thursday!

SoundsBlog , Adnkronos , News Virgilio, LaStampa , Milan CronacaQuiLaStampa , TvBlog .

Good Reading!

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Ultime Collaborazioni Di Fibra

Fabri Fibra recently participated in a number of albums and artists, we list below the last:

This Christmas - Deejay For Christmas (Fabri Fibra, Jovanotti, Willie Nelson, and many more .. .)
Italian Psychos - Noyz Narcos feat Fabri Fibra ... Taken From Guilty , leaving the
29-01-10 Hocus Pocus - Fabri Fibra Feat Dj Myke ... Taken From Hocus Pocus , leaving the 15-01-10!
Feast Day - Crookers Feat Fabri Fibra Dargen & D'Amico, ... Taken From Tons of Friends, leaving the

Sunday, March 7, 2010

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is true that this weekend I have no way (and so I find myself going to run on March 15 after 17 full days of stop O_o) but does not mean you did not think the Mountain ^ _ ^

Saturday and Sunday were dedicated to the photograph (I had organized a rally in Florence photo ) but I still found time to organize a dinner with a prominent consortium ski resort. This is the President of the consortium to which I proposed my idea. AND HE HAS SHARED THE GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!

As some of you already know to organize in June a BAC of two days (it can be only one of two days) and from Prato to Abetone will take us through the ridge and with an intermediate step in Pracchia.

Il tutto nasce come TA ma mi/ci siamo domandati: perchè non renderlo un EVENTO ?
del resto il percorso c'è ( E CHE PERCORSO CREDETEMI CON UNA VARIETA' DI AMBIENTI INCREDIBILE ) e la voglia di organizzare anche dato che disponiamo del supporto logistico del principale gruppo dell'Abetone.

Morale della favola. Il TA Prato-Abetone resterà un TA per quest'anno ma assume un connotato diverso. E' più facile identificarlo come un'Edizione Zero ^_^

o vediamo se si riesce a fare il primo Ultra trail anche in Toscana.
Un percorso così se lo sognano in diverse parti d'Italia credetemi.

Partire da una città a quota 70 mt e, dopo 150 mt lasciare la civiltà per immergersi nel bosco e raggiungere vette intorno ai 2000 mt è un percorso che non lo si trova da molte parti ^___________^

Il primo giorno si arriverà a Pracchia e ahimè 3-4 km di Asfalto (su circa 40 km) ci toccano ma il secondo giorno l'asfalto ce lo scordiamooooooooooooooo hi hi hi hi CHE BELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

che ne pensate?

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"In Italia" Farà Parte Della Compilation Di Trl Story

MTV TRL is 10 years old and has decided to celebrate making the compilation "TRL Story"!
MTV has gathered in a CD of the best artists and songs that have characterized the ranking of Total Request Live in this decade: from Tokio Hotel, Britney Spears, by Black Eyed Peas Lunapop and 30 Seconds To Mars, passing by Finley, Dari and Lost a lot of good pop for everyone!


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"Viviamo In IpocrItalia" - Fabri Fibra A TgCom

TgCom met him and interviewed the Terrazza Martini in Milan, where he spoke at the presentation of "Fifa10", the most famous game of virtual football.


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Presentazione Fifa10 a Terrazza Martini(Milano)

was recently made the presentation at Terrazza Martini Fifa 10, Milan, Giorgio Chiellini and Juventino With the Rapper Fabri Fibra.
cameras Blogosfere and Bonsai Tv took over and interviewed the two!

Forum: # entry356805716

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Fabri Fibra Per Nokia Comes With Music

Fabri Fibra, Nokia Trends Lab mentor, returns to talk about the exciting new offer Comes With Music, which gives the possibility to download directly from Nokia's next generation, all the music you want from the portal Nokia Music Store. In 3 pills
fun video (found on the forum), Fiber shows us a simple procedure for downloading, and gives us some advice on music downloads.


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Download - Trio Medusa @ Rubrica Chi Vuole Essere Fabri Fibra?

Trio Medusa has taken over a rhyme of the song "misunderstanding", taken from Who Wants To Be Fabri Fibra?, And have created a section within their program on Radio DeeJay aired by Al 04.27.2009 12-05 - 09.

or on YouTube: Part 1
Part 2:
Part 3:
Forum: http://fibrafanforum.forumfree. com /? t = 42087273

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Intervista @ Freeway - Radio Kiss Kiss 27/05/09

On May 27 during FREEWAY led by Charles, was a guest in the Milan offices of Radio Kiss Kiss Fabri Fibra. Watch the video, listen to the interview and browse the photo gallery.

Links and Downloads: