out to this beautiful Saturday in the company of old friends (the Group Come On) and new aggregates (Adeile and Joseph)
As most of you know by now I love running in the mountains but this does not mean that it is not primarily a Walker fan of new destinations and views mountain.
And I assure you that today and there were many views.
That fact is a ring from Sant'Agata winds uphill to the Burnt Tavern and then, crossing the ridge (GEA) comes to the pass of the beam. From here you can close the ride down the trail No. 42 in Sant'Agata.
Well I assure you that no matter how hard the journey was certainly not disdain to descend directly with 42 ^ _ ^
among other I ring this path is a path to travel and I assure you that in both cases subject to the great satisfaction but also a tremendous physical effort. The rest of 1600 meters of altitude in 27 km is not a joke.
But from the beginning.
Leave the country back on asphalt in the direction of Galliano and take immediately after a small bridge, a detour to the right (signposted CAI) for a while 'winds up on bitumen. But it does not last that much because that part of the 1.5 km road that soon becomes a path.
much mud as well as sun, wind, heat, cold and rain were our companions (the series was missing only the snow) but the whole crew behaved WELL.
As you climb, however, care should be taken to a deviation that you meet along the trail where the signs CAI is divided in two. On the one hand pointing to the left (there is also an attached two-way sign with the word FI-BO) and the other the path continues to climb.
As is well known that the ascent is from Sant'Agata Burnt Tavern is a part of the Way of the Gods who would join Bologna to Florence and then instinctively you take the left path. Forget it and go straight. If not you like me to be an expert guide who forced the parties to a location outside hi hi hi hi
The CAI of Florence does not seem very up to date on the part of the paths : P
The climb continues through, however, even old nuclei abitatitivi certainly used in transhumance and then comes the step of the tavern burned. Pleasant views especially from the side of Mugello with the dam that never fails to appear on the horizon. A short stop with group photos and then take the "00" Yoke direction.
Who now expects to be in the ridge and cross the ridge without difficulty if you forget: It 's constant ups and downs PENDING WITH extreme treatment. And the participants are well aware that this Saturday will definitely pulled a lot 'of Madonna signed (obviously to avoid pulling went on to hear solo)
along this route you should still try to keep the ridge because the road they meet a couple of deviations to the right, which reports directly to the valley.
A brief stop for refreshment at the yoke and then head downhill on a paved road very simple and designed to alleviate the hardships suffered so far.
At the end turn has been difficult and challenging but certainly an excellent test case in view of the DPAPI. The only flaw, which unfortunately get worse in prossmi months, is the presence along the route of shrubs and bushes, of course, the CAI of Florence is not to remove: (
bad because I assure you that this is a great way to do Way but equally beautiful and demanding to do in the race. I have been there two years ago in Trail shoes are not enough and some three hours to deal with everything.
In fact, if you want I suggest a further detour (the group has forbidden me to do it because 'They were tired =_=). When you're down to Sant'Agata there are several intersections. Bear right at first (because if you go left you'll see clearly that it would fall on the paved road) while the second intersection you can go left to the forest road (what we have done and identified as No. 42) or go straight with the road that goes back slowly. For those who wish the Board to make this choice that can address some more ' healthy path (this time halfway) before going down, again through the path towards Sant'Agata.
less asphalt and more drop THAT GOOD SLOGAN ^___^
Ring of Sant 'Agata
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