Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hamilton Beach Hb-p90d23 Microwave Guide

Trail Easter Trail

The Tuscan landscape is changing. Finally, the off-road racing are increasing and some trail begins to come out, albeit tentatively.
Next year there will be the first Ultra Trail Toscano, a challenge perhaps, but with numbers that will dwarf many races in the North. And I assure you that in addition to statistics, however the views are something that the North can only dream of having immense variety 'that its forthcoming

As I said the landscape is changing and this race is the proof.
is not a trail (at least the race on Saturday) but a beautiful ride on roads in nature but always immersed corribili Siena in the beautiful scenery of the land.

start watching these races with a little 'enough to be honest, used to crush the ridges, heights of over 1500 meters, stony and single track I could not enjoy the taste of these events.

Even today I find myself in difficulty because most of those who participate in these events are "Stradaioli" but then I've got thinking about it. These are the real racing spirit at the right approach (at least what I consider the right spirit). It 's the perfect compromise to allow Stradaioli to run in natural environments, but "run forever" and maybe in environmental awareness (I saw some glass on the ground but meno di quanti me ne aspettavo). In una regione come la Toscana dove il trail è quasi sconosciuto (nonostante, e lo dico a ragion veduta, il nostro ambiente è forse uno dei più congeniali anche per vivere queste esperienze) ci vogliono queste manifestazioni.

Se poi, come questa corsa con partenza da San Giovanni d'Asso, ti vengono proposte anche alcune discese tecniche e panorami incantevoli non puoi che gustarti il giro e ringraziare per lo stupendo momento che stai vivendo.

Colline incantate, percorsi quasi sempre immersi nel verde e tanti spunti per gioire di un ambiente unico che tutta Italia ci invidia (e non solo l'Italia).

I miei complimenti vanno sicuramente all'organizzazione che ha saputo putting up an event worthy of note is that on paper, to be honest, I did not bring much success. Now you do not miss another

that begin to see those same faces all the focus to follow the clock also some nice mountain path, perhaps to be Square Square or why not? TA to the Marauder's ^ _ ^

Eco Easter

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