Badia a Survey Terms
Sunday morning with his trusted Gaggio we went to another study of parts of the course, what comes to the Poggione Badia a term (taken Pistoiese).
it is a path that was initially entirely on asphalt for a distance that exceeded the 5 km per se, but then the friends of CAI Pistoia, over the years, have sought alternative routes to avoid all that asphalt and hide in the woods on Whether, however, straightforward. I dare say that if he stayed all asphalt would be very very boring by affronatre although during the night (I'm referring of course to the race and not to the test this year).
I then went, armed with trail shoes and Hydration to test the ground (and in this case you could use better term)
After about 200 meters of asphalt, the first deviation CAI you meet, leave the paved road and goes to the right. This is a trail and off with the exception of a small part is released by the trees.
When I am past was the owner of the area that had been cut down trees (just recently) and I know that accidentally knocked some signs CAI = _ =
In any If it is viable and next year there will certainly be problems
The second detour is certainly feasible, but having come down several trees lose track CAI. NO PROBLEM path for the test because we are equipped with GPS and no paved road is always close but for next year will be carefully assessed whether or not you can switch depending on the situation of the path after the next winter. In the limit then we will cross 1.5 kilometers of asphalt.
the third deviation (that of Mount Cordosa milkmen who comes to eliminating about 1 km of asphalt) I guess I will not be used in the race . Per come è adesso, sebbene la segnaletica in questo pezzo sia presente e ben visibile, passa attraverso una macchia dove spesso si soffermano gli animali e non si possono quindi escludere incontri ravvicinati con cervi, caprioli ma anche qualche zecca O_o
meglio farsi 1 km di asfalto piuttosto che rischiare qualche malsana puntura hi hi hi hi
ma la cosa più interessante è l'ultima deviazione che evita 1,5 km di asfalto (da Le Trebbie alla Badia a Termini) e si sviluppa interamente su sentiero ben visibile sebbene NON SEGNATO CAI. Per una volta credo ci sia da ringraziare i motociclisti perchè il loro continuo passaggio per questo tratto lo ha reso un vero e proprio sentiero tra l'altro anche molto pulito O_o the only thing missing
frecciatura and then become the best detour around the stretch of road.
summing a distance of approximately 5.5 kilometers of asphalt will be transformed from a minimum of 1 km of asphalt to a maximum of 2.5 kilometers of asphalt depending on the condition of the path
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Can You Use Paint Thinner In A Zippo
We are still far from the 5 June 2011 no one doubts but I think it is fair to begin from now to talk about this and other topics that deal closely Ultratrail the Marauder.
If mountain running is already perceived as a BIG difference compared to running on asphalt the typical Tuscan the night tackling a route like this is even more complex e non è certo paragonabile, come qualcuno mi ha detto, al Passatore.
Si potrebbero spendere molte parole per descriverne le sensazioni che ne derivano ma vi assicuro che l'unico modo per carpirne la bellezza è provarlo (magari insieme a noi per la terza edizione del TA del kappadocio che si svolgerà a Luglio)
Correre di notte equivale a vivere emozioni uniche, entrare in sintonia con un ambiente insolito ma anche vivere un viaggio interiore forte e formativo. Come ho detto ad alcuni quando si affronta una traversata notturna se ne esce "provati" a livello mentale ma anche più capaci di capire i propri limiti e "forti di testa" (cosa che nelle corse ha sempre una grandissima importanza)
Starting at midnight from Prato, with a run scored and a service as the successor to the trail of the villain, will offer a series of sensations, images, and unforgettable moments that fill your heart and your head!
Take account of being there at the starting blocks, front head and the classic tension of the beginning. VIA!
a short stretch of asphalt and then begins to rise to paths. In short, the city sounds are muffled by the vegetation and Lights, more and more distant, will frame in addressing the tough initial climb.
reached the summit of Malaparte, stop for a moment to run and turn to Prato jaw-dropping anyone believe me. The lights of a city known through which to review every single monument structural "Prato become the canvas of a painting: the streets, palaces, villages as well as shopping centers and Bisenzio with its unceasing flow
Then starts to run and is often glimpsed through the trees the lights of a city that looks like little by little to a distant memory.
The first relief and then here we are, in the presence of Javello. But even the devastating rise of Javello is rewarded with a fantastic panorama on the summit believe her. Here eyes are lost on a stretch that goes much wider, but also to meet with Prato and Pistoia province.
Then begins the woods, the real one, the closed and only open to the sky, where the animals are the undisputed masters of the transition and hide our lights. Small bright stars that are hidden in the trees. This is perhaps the most intimate and special moment for this introspective journey, where every sound is muffled, the city where all light is absent and where you move along paths that seem to become tunnel. Right now it really reaches a dialogue with themselves, they are now far away from any distractions and you can concentrate on ourselves and what we are facing. And these seem
km at the same time a moment and an eternity in the fullness that it breathes.
It 's time for another stop, the second restaurant, the one that split the province from the province of Pistoia and Prato from here, after a short distance, comes the long voyage side, the one where you are immersed in the forest, on small peaks attacked with our left the lights of a city that now seems distant, unreachable, almost ethereal. And lungs will be so alive in the light of the headlamp you can see your breath and get lost in the dark!
Maybe I do not believe it but it is with great regret that I tell myself that, alas, these moments are bound to end because at 4:30, shortly after leaving the third restaurant, really begin to dawn e continuerete a correre ebbri di un viaggio così particolare e ricco di sensazioni da lasciarvi per un attimo storditi. Ma anche questo momento è particolare e per certi versi ancora più ricco perchè il bosco si risveglia, ti inonda di sensazioni e di piaceri. Una gioia incontenibile!
Per alcuni Pracchia sarà il momento in cui arriverà questo risveglio, per altri ovvero la maggior parte, Pracchia rappresenterà il momento in cui ormai la notte è passata da un pezzo ed è già un lontano ricordo.
Spero questo mio breve racconto del percorso possa avervi fatto venire la voglia di capire cosa voglia dire fare una Notturna!!!! ma voglio anche darvi alcuni piccoli ma FONDAMENTALI advice.
The night is expensive, much of the day believe me. Especially for those who will stop only from Prato forcing the pace certainly tantamount to a withdrawal along the way to an arrival or not exciting.
The good thing is that it consumes less physically because you need less liquid but at night there is the problem of visibility.
The only lights you can see the path to appeal to are those of your front and maybe who is running with you in that stretch. Concentration is the best because it must be very careful where you put your feet of course and then you consume lots of energy (without considering that night usually sleeping)
The use of the front is the key! Who does a lot of racing at night would rather have a dual beam or the torch in front to keep the head and an accessory pathway located on the chest or belly better. This allows you to earn and display three-dimensional obstacles to their actual size. I use a single light, but I'm very careful where you step because it's easy to stumble on something that is considered easier to pass then
and you will see that you will enjoy this wonderful journey ^______^
We are still far from the 5 June 2011 no one doubts but I think it is fair to begin from now to talk about this and other topics that deal closely Ultratrail the Marauder.
If mountain running is already perceived as a BIG difference compared to running on asphalt the typical Tuscan the night tackling a route like this is even more complex e non è certo paragonabile, come qualcuno mi ha detto, al Passatore.
Si potrebbero spendere molte parole per descriverne le sensazioni che ne derivano ma vi assicuro che l'unico modo per carpirne la bellezza è provarlo (magari insieme a noi per la terza edizione del TA del kappadocio che si svolgerà a Luglio)
Correre di notte equivale a vivere emozioni uniche, entrare in sintonia con un ambiente insolito ma anche vivere un viaggio interiore forte e formativo. Come ho detto ad alcuni quando si affronta una traversata notturna se ne esce "provati" a livello mentale ma anche più capaci di capire i propri limiti e "forti di testa" (cosa che nelle corse ha sempre una grandissima importanza)
Starting at midnight from Prato, with a run scored and a service as the successor to the trail of the villain, will offer a series of sensations, images, and unforgettable moments that fill your heart and your head!
Take account of being there at the starting blocks, front head and the classic tension of the beginning. VIA!
a short stretch of asphalt and then begins to rise to paths. In short, the city sounds are muffled by the vegetation and Lights, more and more distant, will frame in addressing the tough initial climb.
reached the summit of Malaparte, stop for a moment to run and turn to Prato jaw-dropping anyone believe me. The lights of a city known through which to review every single monument structural "Prato become the canvas of a painting: the streets, palaces, villages as well as shopping centers and Bisenzio with its unceasing flow
Then starts to run and is often glimpsed through the trees the lights of a city that looks like little by little to a distant memory.
The first relief and then here we are, in the presence of Javello. But even the devastating rise of Javello is rewarded with a fantastic panorama on the summit believe her. Here eyes are lost on a stretch that goes much wider, but also to meet with Prato and Pistoia province.
Then begins the woods, the real one, the closed and only open to the sky, where the animals are the undisputed masters of the transition and hide our lights. Small bright stars that are hidden in the trees. This is perhaps the most intimate and special moment for this introspective journey, where every sound is muffled, the city where all light is absent and where you move along paths that seem to become tunnel. Right now it really reaches a dialogue with themselves, they are now far away from any distractions and you can concentrate on ourselves and what we are facing. And these seem
km at the same time a moment and an eternity in the fullness that it breathes.
It 's time for another stop, the second restaurant, the one that split the province from the province of Pistoia and Prato from here, after a short distance, comes the long voyage side, the one where you are immersed in the forest, on small peaks attacked with our left the lights of a city that now seems distant, unreachable, almost ethereal. And lungs will be so alive in the light of the headlamp you can see your breath and get lost in the dark!
Maybe I do not believe it but it is with great regret that I tell myself that, alas, these moments are bound to end because at 4:30, shortly after leaving the third restaurant, really begin to dawn e continuerete a correre ebbri di un viaggio così particolare e ricco di sensazioni da lasciarvi per un attimo storditi. Ma anche questo momento è particolare e per certi versi ancora più ricco perchè il bosco si risveglia, ti inonda di sensazioni e di piaceri. Una gioia incontenibile!
Per alcuni Pracchia sarà il momento in cui arriverà questo risveglio, per altri ovvero la maggior parte, Pracchia rappresenterà il momento in cui ormai la notte è passata da un pezzo ed è già un lontano ricordo.
Spero questo mio breve racconto del percorso possa avervi fatto venire la voglia di capire cosa voglia dire fare una Notturna!!!! ma voglio anche darvi alcuni piccoli ma FONDAMENTALI advice.
The night is expensive, much of the day believe me. Especially for those who will stop only from Prato forcing the pace certainly tantamount to a withdrawal along the way to an arrival or not exciting.
The good thing is that it consumes less physically because you need less liquid but at night there is the problem of visibility.
The only lights you can see the path to appeal to are those of your front and maybe who is running with you in that stretch. Concentration is the best because it must be very careful where you put your feet of course and then you consume lots of energy (without considering that night usually sleeping)
The use of the front is the key! Who does a lot of racing at night would rather have a dual beam or the torch in front to keep the head and an accessory pathway located on the chest or belly better. This allows you to earn and display three-dimensional obstacles to their actual size. I use a single light, but I'm very careful where you step because it's easy to stumble on something that is considered easier to pass then
and you will see that you will enjoy this wonderful journey ^______^
Monday, May 10, 2010
How To Make Wrestling Shoes
From Piazza Piazza
And another adventure along my path si è conclusa.
Questa volta non posso dire molto perchè parlerei da organizzatore e sinceramente preferisco non essere io a descrivere questo percorso a me tanto caro. Sono altri che ne hanno raccontato pregi e difetti e a loro lascio i Commenti
p.s. da buon organizzatore da ultimo ho sbagliato strada BHUAHAUHAUAH
Plan your trips with EveryTrail Mobile Travel Guides
And another adventure along my path si è conclusa.
Questa volta non posso dire molto perchè parlerei da organizzatore e sinceramente preferisco non essere io a descrivere questo percorso a me tanto caro. Sono altri che ne hanno raccontato pregi e difetti e a loro lascio i Commenti
p.s. da buon organizzatore da ultimo ho sbagliato strada BHUAHAUHAUAH
Da Piazza a Piazza 2010
Plan your trips with EveryTrail Mobile Travel Guides
Monday, May 3, 2010
Pregnant With Fibroids
TAW 2010 2010
Ebbene anche questa volta è fatta.
Su questa bellissima manifestazione non si sprecano mai le parole e ogni piccola lusinga fatta a persone come Elio, Maria e Armando sono sempre ben spese.
Si tratta di persone che ci mettono anima e cuore nella creazione di questo evento e si vede perchè anche quest'anno non si può che parlare bene di questi 125 km.
Anche questa volta ho fatto il twin team in compagnia del mio amico Marco (Chiorbasub) invertendo però la suddivisione del percorso del primo giorno e permettendomi così di godere di una nuova esperienza che anno scorso mi mancava.
L'accoglienza, come sempre, è degna della grande festa dove rivedi vecchi amici e conosci nuovi personaggi. Il venerdì sera, tutti insieme a Pontremoli per godersi una presentazione di grande spessore ad opera di Alex, un ormai teutonico speaker per il valore and the passion that makes the telling of events so important.
But I'm not here to settle some of these issues that can be enjoyed only through participation in the festival. Tell instead of a new section of the new section that I missed and now I finally route. Boys
the second part of the second day is sheer Trail, the one good, one made of paths, up and down the Apennines, and friends met along the route.
Mamma mia what I enjoyed in the company of geogeo I escorted and managed all along this first day.
There are so many little hidden corners in walking through these woods that only you can discover. Is certainly the most beautiful the first day.
How is the best, complicit in the bad weather that forced the organizers to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bclimbing Mount Lama in the first 30 km, was probably the second part of the second day. This time is a known and enjoyed this even better.
Every corner I remember every tear in the previous year and enjoy it with me the pleasure of those have already crossed paths. I am the jack so convenient that in the middle of my 30 km I stopped to rest and eat hot soup ... BUONAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THAT!!
the rest for me this is the right way to vivermi these adventures, enjoy every moment, capture the moments with photos and keep them strong in me.
Another beautiful emotion left me from this path worthy of being considered a respectable Ultratrail!!
Elio even next year I hope to be your to enjoy this beautiful and wonderful climate
Plan your trips with EveryTrail Mobile Travel Guides
Ebbene anche questa volta è fatta.
Su questa bellissima manifestazione non si sprecano mai le parole e ogni piccola lusinga fatta a persone come Elio, Maria e Armando sono sempre ben spese.
Si tratta di persone che ci mettono anima e cuore nella creazione di questo evento e si vede perchè anche quest'anno non si può che parlare bene di questi 125 km.
Anche questa volta ho fatto il twin team in compagnia del mio amico Marco (Chiorbasub) invertendo però la suddivisione del percorso del primo giorno e permettendomi così di godere di una nuova esperienza che anno scorso mi mancava.
L'accoglienza, come sempre, è degna della grande festa dove rivedi vecchi amici e conosci nuovi personaggi. Il venerdì sera, tutti insieme a Pontremoli per godersi una presentazione di grande spessore ad opera di Alex, un ormai teutonico speaker per il valore and the passion that makes the telling of events so important.
But I'm not here to settle some of these issues that can be enjoyed only through participation in the festival. Tell instead of a new section of the new section that I missed and now I finally route. Boys
the second part of the second day is sheer Trail, the one good, one made of paths, up and down the Apennines, and friends met along the route.
Mamma mia what I enjoyed in the company of geogeo I escorted and managed all along this first day.
There are so many little hidden corners in walking through these woods that only you can discover. Is certainly the most beautiful the first day.
How is the best, complicit in the bad weather that forced the organizers to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bclimbing Mount Lama in the first 30 km, was probably the second part of the second day. This time is a known and enjoyed this even better.
Every corner I remember every tear in the previous year and enjoy it with me the pleasure of those have already crossed paths. I am the jack so convenient that in the middle of my 30 km I stopped to rest and eat hot soup ... BUONAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THAT!!
the rest for me this is the right way to vivermi these adventures, enjoy every moment, capture the moments with photos and keep them strong in me.
Another beautiful emotion left me from this path worthy of being considered a respectable Ultratrail!!
Elio even next year I hope to be your to enjoy this beautiful and wonderful climate
TAW 2010
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