Ebbene anche questa volta è fatta.
Su questa bellissima manifestazione non si sprecano mai le parole e ogni piccola lusinga fatta a persone come Elio, Maria e Armando sono sempre ben spese.
Si tratta di persone che ci mettono anima e cuore nella creazione di questo evento e si vede perchè anche quest'anno non si può che parlare bene di questi 125 km.
Anche questa volta ho fatto il twin team in compagnia del mio amico Marco (Chiorbasub) invertendo però la suddivisione del percorso del primo giorno e permettendomi così di godere di una nuova esperienza che anno scorso mi mancava.
L'accoglienza, come sempre, è degna della grande festa dove rivedi vecchi amici e conosci nuovi personaggi. Il venerdì sera, tutti insieme a Pontremoli per godersi una presentazione di grande spessore ad opera di Alex, un ormai teutonico speaker per il valore and the passion that makes the telling of events so important.
But I'm not here to settle some of these issues that can be enjoyed only through participation in the festival. Tell instead of a new section of the new section that I missed and now I finally route. Boys
the second part of the second day is sheer Trail, the one good, one made of paths, up and down the Apennines, and friends met along the route.
Mamma mia what I enjoyed in the company of geogeo I escorted and managed all along this first day.
There are so many little hidden corners in walking through these woods that only you can discover. Is certainly the most beautiful the first day.
How is the best, complicit in the bad weather that forced the organizers to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bclimbing Mount Lama in the first 30 km, was probably the second part of the second day. This time is a known and enjoyed this even better.
Every corner I remember every tear in the previous year and enjoy it with me the pleasure of those have already crossed paths. I am the jack so convenient that in the middle of my 30 km I stopped to rest and eat hot soup ... BUONAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THAT!!
the rest for me this is the right way to vivermi these adventures, enjoy every moment, capture the moments with photos and keep them strong in me.
Another beautiful emotion left me from this path worthy of being considered a respectable Ultratrail!!
Elio even next year I hope to be your to enjoy this beautiful and wonderful climate
TAW 2010
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