Wednesday, January 19, 2011

When Systolic And Diastolic Are Close

M. Short

They sat down.
How many years did. For the usual pizza, the usual 5. The usual jokes, irony, political controversy. and for a while 'went on as usual, so. As always?.
Then the more fragile, thinner, moved the chair back a foot resting on his wheelchair, and his knee bent, and his chin on his hand. narrow eyes. But bright.
That night he had his usual armor, his weapons usual.
In a moment of silence was able to speak. He spoke in a tone that for centuries no longer being used. Ne 'pleased, it' angry, it 'hard. Just his real voice, that he kept hidden even to himself.
He spoke of the past without regret and without hate, never spoke of him as he spoke. He spoke of the weariness and bitterness in the heavy feeling tired. He talked about his liability in respect of its own trouble. The trouble of having to be closed and absurdity became so hard and sharp that it hurt, almost to kill him. He told of all the moments when he felt hopeless and in complete darkness as he had wrapped. He spoke then of the emotions, to love people like them, real and intense, different from him, but no more intention to live. Everything was hot, but nothing was dull. Everything was soft, but nothing was tainted with unnecessary sugar, because all the flavors and ingredients were in their place. The words slipped away, and the anger was gone.
spoke of details and events, then began a parlare del presente. 

E Lei gli uscì dalle labbra. 
La sensazione e il sentimento intenso che lei gli portava in dono divennero  frasi serene, senza ragnatele di ipotesi, pura descrizione di ciò che ora sentiva. Parlò di corridoi pieni di luce, gli stessi che un tempo erano solo trincee buie. Parlò di cose dense, carnali e liquide che nemmeno ricordava sino a qualche giorno prima. Lei le aveva scoperte così semplicemente. E andò avanti quasi cantando, seppure parlava con tonalità soffici e sommesse.  Le speranze, la sensazione profonda di amare ed essere riamato for what it is, and freedom that flows from it. Yes, these things jumped out. His aspiration irrational sharing, dedicated to those who seemed to love all the guests, his friends, undamaged and hot, without any dogma, simply true, without laws or codes. He spoke of surrender that becomes a victory which leaves all the violence absorbed since his childhood, and then in growing, and violence that left him at last. The death of envy, of reunification between ideals and reality, and she was always to make them become one. He remembered his energy, not those of the male, but those in person, a man and a woman at the same time.
He felt and he could tell, no more anger, disgust as she felt for the exercise of power, for the annihilation of others. All the pettiness, the injustices of screams and junk, it seemed even more dreary and away from him.
She was there, and he with her. And finally she was recovering.

In reality all this was told in the right time to usher in a new smile on his face. Actually did not utter the word, but his mouth was awakened from millennia of hibernation just to brighten.
And his friends, who loved him, they understood. simple and loving each other and smiled in response.


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