Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Iphone App To Watch Vietnamese Movies

The strange metaphor for the invasion of Russia ....

Come! Come on ahead to win conviction. To have the marauder and easy victory,
Whether you are called Adolf, Napoleon, or just charge me ... even at a gallop, with the tanks, with the arrogance.
I have my internal territories boundless and infinite. I will burn everything that can be useful to your invasion, you will feel easy to go forward, to the despot in my house and me, in reality you also ... the more you lose. And what is burned for you will be fertile again one day for others.
Sure you can inflate (vain) glory by showing your brilliant ability to force them to flee, but in the meantime began to collapse the references, because where I retire, there are just things that I understand and those who know " feel ". You explore, but you will not find, no truth for you and your cronies snarling.
signs in some remote areas, they include those who are looking for. I can stay there for a long time to expose myself to cold starvation, they've been there a long time, I can go back, knowing what are the paths to get out.
And sooner or later when your victory board shall start to fall apart in your hymns ferocious clash when the confidence of your alleged traballerĂ  forces, I'll just turn around to resume, step by step, what you thought of having robbed, looted what you have with anger, what you had just apparently. I will not have force, because your hands are finally violent weak as ever were, no glove, no longer protect the iron. The worst defeat for you will not die, but having to bend your back like every human touch in life.
simply better ... of course go through the path will be abandoned and new fields of wheat and tulips, parties to the country, men and women and joy full of moving and shameless desires.
Fair all this will cost blood and deprivation, but there will be smiles and soon forget the name of the invader, your useless name, remembering only that of suffering.


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