Sunday, May 30, 2010

Does Direct Tv Record My History

Badia a Survey Terms

Sunday morning with his trusted Gaggio we went to another study of parts of the course, what comes to the Poggione Badia a term (taken Pistoiese).

it is a path that was initially entirely on asphalt for a distance that exceeded the 5 km per se, but then the friends of CAI Pistoia, over the years, have sought alternative routes to avoid all that asphalt and hide in the woods on Whether, however, straightforward. I dare say that if he stayed all asphalt would be very very boring by affronatre although during the night (I'm referring of course to the race and not to the test this year).

I then went, armed with trail shoes and Hydration to test the ground (and in this case you could use better term)

After about 200 meters of asphalt, the first deviation CAI you meet, leave the paved road and goes to the right. This is a trail and off with the exception of a small part is released by the trees.

When I am past was the owner of the area that had been cut down trees (just recently) and I know that accidentally knocked some signs CAI = _ =

In any If it is viable and next year there will certainly be problems

The second detour is certainly feasible, but having come down several trees lose track CAI. NO PROBLEM path for the test because we are equipped with GPS and no paved road is always close but for next year will be carefully assessed whether or not you can switch depending on the situation of the path after the next winter. In the limit then we will cross 1.5 kilometers of asphalt.

the third deviation (that of Mount Cordosa milkmen who comes to eliminating about 1 km of asphalt) I guess I will not be used in the race . Per come è adesso, sebbene la segnaletica in questo pezzo sia presente e ben visibile, passa attraverso una macchia dove spesso si soffermano gli animali e non si possono quindi escludere incontri ravvicinati con cervi, caprioli ma anche qualche zecca O_o

meglio farsi 1 km di asfalto piuttosto che rischiare qualche malsana puntura hi hi hi hi

ma la cosa più interessante è l'ultima deviazione che evita 1,5 km di asfalto (da Le Trebbie alla Badia a Termini) e si sviluppa interamente su sentiero ben visibile sebbene NON SEGNATO CAI. Per una volta credo ci sia da ringraziare i motociclisti perchè il loro continuo passaggio per questo tratto lo ha reso un vero e proprio sentiero tra l'altro anche molto pulito O_o the only thing missing
frecciatura and then become the best detour around the stretch of road.

summing a distance of approximately 5.5 kilometers of asphalt will be transformed from a minimum of 1 km of asphalt to a maximum of 2.5 kilometers of asphalt depending on the condition of the path


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