Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cervix Penetration Forced

TA Countess

Very nice workout in the company among the crinaletti Pinone and the inevitable and beautiful vineyards. This little corner of Tuscany, though there a few clothes miles, subject to several surprises every time. Many Stradaioli (hi hi hi hi) but also very willing to train as a team to the beautiful trails of the side Empoli. Many familiar faces but also new faces.

Besides, if it were not for events of this kind I think of Tuscany, which boasts one of the most beautiful in Italy, would risk losing a way of approaching the Trail gradual but equally indelible.

And in my opinion, within a year or so, the movement will receive a jolt lucky trail Toscano (between "DPAPI", Elbe Trail, and the future Falterona "and" rogue Ultratrail of "how could it be different?)

walk on those lands a few months away, the trail of the edition zero Montalbano allowed me to relive quelle emozioni con tanti ricordi indelebili.

Che piacevole sensazione che ho provato ^_^

questa volta mi son limitato a fare 17 km anche perchè domani ne faccio altrettanti e dalla prossima settimana si parte con le massacranti uscite del TAW e del DPAP

TA della Contessa

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