Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Best Masterbution Vids

The Fine Art of burglary cock ... Collage

The Fine Art of burglary cock, because thin predictable and bland ... more than one post a list:

Who is always the victim, and when executioners did not sleep until late.
Who did the revolution then discovered the ease of a desk on the other side of the fence.
Who says he hopes a (dis) attention that will give him a moment of glory.
The same people over when offended if you send in culo.
Chi si dice compagno ti assume e ti mette a lavorare  con strani contratti (quando va di culo).
Chi comunque dice di essere cristiano e non cattolico però in chiesa...cresima battesimo e comunione per i figli...se sei solo cristiano perchè non vai da un pastore protestante o da un valdese?
Chi è alternativo e underground poi però ti dice: "no guarda sono troppo spinti i tuoi disegni per fare una mostra".
Chi è stato illuminato sulla via di damasco, ma in realtà era il damascato a piacergli.
Chi accetta i gay o le lesbiche solo se sono in coppia, pulitini e monogami e benestanti.
Chi ha condiviso anni con te e ora ti sembra un alieno o una aliena.
Chi porge l'altra guancia, ma non si farebbe mai sculacciare, il masochismo solo se ha buoni motivi umanitari.
Chi a pranzo sorride sempre, dopo esseri pulito il rivolo di sangue al lato della bocca.

E altri ancora, chi vuole ne aggiunga...non è solo un gioco.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Buying A Horse With A Melanoma

 Se found that the images are obscene
not worry,
is not to deny.
Under certain windows
venture through dangerous,
recently, however
walk quickly ...
Since they stopped me

the faces always easy.
If I had to start
Then run,
off the watch
from his pocket.
tense and anxious
for the Protection
of my head.

But I chose
gracious Queen,
dedicated to other
my private parts.
procrastinate less.
E acts.
She is lovely!
And I with her.
Will do so well
to do a little 'bad.
obvious that you love
are its prey,
mica a passing event.
you know it.

So yesterday evening
I tranquilizzato
recalling that
I have no reason
E 'already happened.
E, memory
serves me correctly,
only served
to lose pounds
and hang
with the sheets.
While no

What do we do now?
Everything, for nothing because we have already used enough.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Plus Size Hippie Clothes

envy, Neid, envie, ENVID, envy

Envy, Neid, envie, ENVID, envy.

"So there will always be you know a failed musician, a pious, a theory, a Bertoncelli a priest ... a crap shoot "Francesco Guccini

Poison powerful acid that corrodes the gold powerful and dreams .... It erodes the enthusiasm of others. Kill the bearer insane, but only after allowing him to spread manure on feelings and adventures with envy, unfortunately, is not retroactive or preliminary death of such a "feeling".

envy for those who have weight and has a hint of himself, who escapes the closing credits, the casting office.

Anger without explosion, is inoculated easily in episodes of others, with an embroidery tragically ill-executed, with trembling hands and a liar. Easy to find in the soles of shoes, many people around the door and does not clean, it 'picks for riportasela home. To sodomize awkwardly and solitude, as it deserves.

Envy for those who fall in love, and not you.

insane and useless waste of energy. Better would send them to mine, the envious, but the dwarves were only seven to spicconare ... not millions. And the queen has found that there was only behind the mirror wall.

Envy for staying on this land of people who move between appearing dumb. Envy those who make music and for those who know how to listen, for those who make movies and who knows how to see them, for this writer and for those who can still read. Too often call admiration, too often masquerade as a matchmaker fanatic and slimy.

almost ferocious hatred for those who do not need to believe in pure, for those who are kind, but an ironic smile to your claims, strategies of exploitation, Shipping and sentimental. Bad thing to be commiserate vomiting stomach that has invaded the brain. Gives you an ulcer at the thought.

Envy. Death of Empathy, weir doors, be they cardiac epidermal.

Rancid sterile and ability to communicate, can only speak for excess mellifluous, then as if your canine is not sharp saw! As if you sniff your desire to suppress the free and fruitful serenity the suffering of others. Stuff of comedy, to tragedy, a role for appearance has not asked that first, then hate, always ready to masturbating on the mistakes of others.

Envy, not a sin, not a vice ... always and only a betrayal of humanity.
honest thief would commit no theft. theft of other people's breaths, which prevents social torture, the rights to many, and dumb as alleged duties, duties for all, except for the envious.
means and end to subjugate others, psychologically defined as the opposite of pride, it is actually running his soul.

Envy away Touch me, your henchmen can no longer stand them!

Lyric against envy.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Enter Cheats Pokemon Red Emulator

Rarely can talk politics ...

can rarely talk about politics in a straightforward manner. I know why, and I know that will not change very easily.

... But I try.

long time, so hammering comes into my mind a fear, almost complete nightmare.
Even in the worst of the 70 South American country could come to such a debasement of politics to a ridiculous situation prostate.
Non mi dilungo,  altri davvero molto più bravi di me, sanno sintetizzare e descrivere.

Quello che invece, forse in maniera irrazionale, mi sta spaventando è l'idea del dopo. 
Del dopo B....e di una possibile e probabile "reazione".
Da tempo vedo invocare da più parti l'augurio che si ritorni ad una moralità e alla ricostruzione dei valori , e mi chiedo, non potendo evitare di riferirmi a questo paese ipocrita e bigotto, quali saranno questi valori ?
Da sinistra e dal centro, dagli ipotetici oppositori di un'altrettanto ipotetica Italian right, there's always the strongest push towards the consolidation of "morality" ... but although sometimes, rarely and very concretely, we speak of the first true moral values, or the right to work and the right to access to employment, ; mostly feel ramblings on family values, moral behavior (sexuality ?!?), ethical, religious (too often) as if they are true and only key points to refer to.
quite passionately these words seem false and extremely dangerous.

Why I do not think the family always Understanding the dominant Catholic view, which safeguards the avalanche of moral values \u200b\u200bin Italy. I rather think it is the family law that must be defended, the secular law protection of women and men to start a family, to form it without having to go into a town hall in a church. A form with those who really want to, whether other women, other men. But the famous laws that enshrine this principle should not I get a view, it 'right and what is even more serious from the left. This political party is always subjected to blackmail (im) morality by his schizophrenic and Catholic entities, so repulsive to me, never fails to free itself from this form di dipendenza edipica rispetto a madre chiesa. Anche nel cosiddetto diritto al lavoro, la sinistra ha mancato pienamente di porsi a difesa delle donne o delle minoranze, collaborando ad una rancida idea sessista e razzista, delle pari opportunità tra tutti i cittadini. 

L'immoralità dei costumi sessuali, che, ora come ora, viene sbandierata come il primo peccato del capo di questo governo, sinceramente poco mi sconvolge, perché le sue (in)capacità all'erezione arrivano molto dopo le sue incapacità ad attuare una politica economica e industriale di salvaguardia del paese. Le sue orgie da pizzicagnolo per me sono meno gravi rispetto ad una delle peggiori strategie di foreign policy ever seen in Italy in 150 years. A real trend alliance "to belin dog." Not to mention the question of justice ...
What I fear most is that his political succession, with the excuse to re-moralize the boot, put only saw the high heels, and set aside, for the umpteenth time, the possibility of a revolution cultural and sexual libertarian in this country, blaming gay and heterosexual sex that do not fit to live according to religious dogma and pantomime.
clarify that I mean when I talk about all the religions, and that really is not enough freedom of religion as a principle, I would like to see enshrined e difesa per una volta la libertà di non essere religioso. 

Temo che tra poco ci ritroveremo con un paese culturalmente arretrato, pronto a restaurare e punire la presunta "immoralità" e facilità di costumi dei liberi pensatori. Ma molto attento poi, nelle canoniche della politica,  a difendere mafia, malaffare e ipocrisia. Questo è già successo e non è stato per nulla divertente.

Per essere chiaro: donne, gay, lesbiche, conviventi e figli di conviventi, malati terminali e loro parenti, prostitute e trans, atei e laici veri, hanno la buona probabilità di ritrovarsi ancora più all'indice, e nelle blacklisting.
This is a possible consequence of the things that this government does not lose hardback, but the less I could tolerate from any left-wing government. Miss this opportunity to work together to give birth to a modern, secular, will, if done, the worst nemesis and we depart for ever from the concept of civilized country.

Although distant in time affair, and with the logical differences, we risk the legitimate after Bastille Day and the advent of Bonaparte, we touch a long period of restoration of anti-libertarian. But perhaps worse, and I forgot one thing ... we rebellions or revolutions, social or cultural, we have never wanted to implement ... no.
Whether this is our true, unique, and chronic disability culture?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Iphone App To Watch Vietnamese Movies

The strange metaphor for the invasion of Russia ....

Come! Come on ahead to win conviction. To have the marauder and easy victory,
Whether you are called Adolf, Napoleon, or just charge me ... even at a gallop, with the tanks, with the arrogance.
I have my internal territories boundless and infinite. I will burn everything that can be useful to your invasion, you will feel easy to go forward, to the despot in my house and me, in reality you also ... the more you lose. And what is burned for you will be fertile again one day for others.
Sure you can inflate (vain) glory by showing your brilliant ability to force them to flee, but in the meantime began to collapse the references, because where I retire, there are just things that I understand and those who know " feel ". You explore, but you will not find, no truth for you and your cronies snarling.
signs in some remote areas, they include those who are looking for. I can stay there for a long time to expose myself to cold starvation, they've been there a long time, I can go back, knowing what are the paths to get out.
And sooner or later when your victory board shall start to fall apart in your hymns ferocious clash when the confidence of your alleged traballerà forces, I'll just turn around to resume, step by step, what you thought of having robbed, looted what you have with anger, what you had just apparently. I will not have force, because your hands are finally violent weak as ever were, no glove, no longer protect the iron. The worst defeat for you will not die, but having to bend your back like every human touch in life.
simply better ... of course go through the path will be abandoned and new fields of wheat and tulips, parties to the country, men and women and joy full of moving and shameless desires.
Fair all this will cost blood and deprivation, but there will be smiles and soon forget the name of the invader, your useless name, remembering only that of suffering.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why Is It Pale Above My Waxed Eyebrows

ups and downs .. anthology "sensational."

Today, entering these rooms are going to read a course that lasts several years, not counting the break to run, takes away from the autumn of 2007,
for accuracy.
Slowly I got out and climbed among the things written, those mentioned and the smell.
Listener-Mgneros I found ... and even me.
From recent times to other times.
I found the will to not give me answers but simply the stimulus and the meaning of many things written
some changes in me, just to remain faithful
al bisogno di non fermarmi troppo, ma anche a quello di non tradirmi.
Ripubblico qui di seguito i link ad alcuni post del passato. Vorrei poter dire che gli ho scelti a caso o altresì 
essere sicuro di averli scelti con cura, 
ma sono arrivati a "sensazione".

Vedo che ho 19.000 utenti diversi che sono passati da qui: grazie.
Ma sinceramente ho voglia di ringraziare molto di più quella ten comments or leave any trace that might not commenting yet still making me feel his presence.
Mostly true friends are bloggers,
outsider and a few more special.

November 29, 2009

lunedì 16 novembre 2009

Dreams not allowed.

martedì 3 novembre 2009

27 dicembre 2009


24 dicembre 2009


December 14, 2009


January 24, 2010

6 febbraio 2010


15 marzo 2010


21 giugno 2010

I'm a pig

November 17, 2010

swimming in the steam

4 January 2011

and ... then he dreams.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

getting lost is all well and good

March 1, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Naturalist Treatments For Fibroadenomas

Mirror ... au revoir Madame rorriM

"The mirror is not picking up anything other than other mirrors, and reflect this infinite is the vacuum itself."
Roland Barthes - Fragments of an amorous

mirror and power are inseparable, one needs the other and neither one of us.
I distracted the figure shows, but not my name. It is capable of attention, but just remember, when I look I know it's already happened.
and mind, especially when it becomes shiny and responsive, always willing and helpful, a slave to mercury, fast and ugly to decide what I see, so brisk and convincing me to believe that his duty is put on My real desire.
not a twin, it 'a printed page, it' a picture upside down, if it finally distorts, telling the truth, not honesty, but for bad workmanship.
The worst mirrors walk, breathe and make you proud to be reflective.
better than veined and consumed, maybe even framed, but not broken and multiple reflected many times me and leave no doubt as to which of those images I am really, so at least push the search.
Physically and chemically windows and mirrors are liquid and solid for us pretend, for the deception to make us look at ourselves intact, Alice became confused and walked, swam towards herself.
Nothing peggio che specchiarsi e specchiare, aumenta il debito e l'illusione di un credito riscuotibile.
Possono sembrare utili, ma non sono certo fertili.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Do U Clear Facebook Login History?

Girardot ....

Frugos Yogurt Application

Sperduti and good thing because I hate the power

Rigiro due bottoni, piccoli e bianchi, tra l'indice e il pollice della sinistra.
Mentre l'acustica mi entra. un po' acida, ma molto morbida. 
Felpa nera, camicia bianca. colletto strano.
Quissù, sperduto e ho sì sonno, 
ma anche il giusto disordine di chi non ne ha più voglia di non essere chi.  
Rigiro i bottoni, e vorrei strapparli tutti. 
Ed eliminare le cerniere e devastare i vestiti e mostrare il corpo.
Lo accolga chi...chi vuole. Chi vuole sapere che sapore ha, chi.
I could describe it perfectly, scars, you open up to release fragrances, and among other matters, and vapors, things to hot bath room
I tell you, to you I say: Look it's true. Look at me, I drew me so many times to get a single picture, deleting the rest and added other features,
Look at the sheet is white, is ready. Only for my hand now.
counts at the end of the muscle fibers remained, those avalanches, the uppercut, the shutters of the house, closed, not weakened.
think, but not in the crystals, not in the glass, just not me I see no more wall of lies.
and change song while listening to them, and remember all the words are good to play it, and are good to me the words.
If you use the razor on my pubes, just above my State by female sensitive enough to know you will be relieved of any embarrassment and sink into the feeling that I needed. I'll be able to post a presence
So, all that I can. Thanks for spying on me and poking at duty.